
Island Greenway Will Make It Easier to Navigate Pleasure Island By Bike and On Foot

Walk and Bike by the Sea!

All across America, folks are recognizing the importance of having protected, ample space in which to exercise and connect with nature. In fact, many communities are even rated on their "walkability" and level of bike safety.

The Island Greenway Project is aimed at developing 1.2 miles of 10-foot wide pavement that will serve as a multi-use path. The plan is for that section to begin at Mike Chappell Park and continue south to Alabama Ave.

Although the project was identified as a priority in 2011 as part of the CB Bicycle Multi-Use Plan, and also noted as priority in Cape Fear Commutes 2035 Plan and the Wilmington New Hanover Greenway Plan, it has taken some time to get off the ground. Upon completion, this route will provide a safe and convenient off-street network for pedestrians and cyclists. The route will include the busy Wilmington Beach area and central neighborhoods to the north, CB Elementary School, Lake Park, and the central business district.

Mindful planning and acquiring adequate funding have been essential parts of the process and it is hoped that this section of the Island Greenway will be open soon! When all is said and done, the entire project will extend for approximately 9.5 miles, from the northern tip of the island by the Snow’s Cut public access area to the island’s southern tip at Federal Point.

The goals of the project’s planners involve more than simply creating a safe place in which to walk, jog or cycle. It is hoped that residents and visitors alike will embrace the greenway and use it as a means to get from place to place, such as schools, parks, playgrounds, the beach and local businesses.

Reporter Cammie Bellamy detailed an April session of the Carolina Beach council in the Wilmington Star News. It was revealed that the proposed bike and pedestrian paths could be ready by November. Bellamy reported that, “the Cape Fear Boulevard project will go to bid in June and start construction in September while the greenway will be bid in may, with work starting in July.”

Source: http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20160412/ARTICLES/160419901)

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