
Town of Kure Beach to Hold American Cross Blood Drive

Donating blood is a way to give back. Whether you’re donating for a friend or a family member, or just because you feel it’s the right thing to do to help someone else out, giving blood can be a rewarding experience; knowing that you’ve helped change or save a life. Not to mention, blood is something most people have to spare, so when you give blood you’re helping keep blood on the shelf for those who need it an emergency. And if that’s not enough, donors get free juice and yummy cookies!

The Town of Kure Beach is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, March 3, 2017 from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm at the Community Center at 118 N. 3rd Avenue. Whether you're a seasoned donor, or you've never donated blood before, everyone is welcome at the blood drive -- however, donors must meet certain eligibility requirements to ensure the safety of the donation for both the donor and the recipient. 

Some health and lifestyle issues could affect donations like medications and vaccinations, recent travel, medical treatments, and general medical conditions. The staff for the blood drive will ask you some questions to determine your eligibility on the day of the donation. 

Giving blood isn’t that difficult, but you’ll want to come prepared. Have a light meal and plenty to drink before you come to donation center. Don’t forget your donor card, driver’s license or two other forms of identification. If you are taking any medications, make sure you bring the names of each. 

For anyone who wants to schedule a blood donation, please visit www.redcrossblood.org and type “Kure” into the “Find a Blood Drive” search bar. Walk-in donations are also welcomed. They appreciate any effort, whether through blood donation or helping spread the word, to help make this drive a success.

Directions to the Community Center: 

At the Town's only stoplight at the intersection of Fort Fisher Boulevard and K Avenue, turn west onto K Avenue. Then, take a right on 3rd Avenue, after passing Big Daddy’s Restaurant. The Community Center is just ahead on the right.

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